
TLDR: What’s Curiosity?

  • A fund investing in founders creating abundance. Portfolio includes RxAll, Bamboo, Gumroad, Kunda Kids, Raenest, Fluidcoins, and UmiforMothers;
  • A mini-foundry for initiatives we believe should exist in the world, including African Priorities, AI Safety Microgrant, The WOW deck (Conscious Questions Card Games), etc;
  • A holding co for my experiments and consulting practice.


Several years ago, I came to a conclusion about the work I do, why I do it, and what is meant to achieve: my overarching goal is to contribute to a future of humanity, hinged on flourishing people, platforms, and policies.

This is one of the reasons I co-created Curiosity Platforms, to support the process of incubating ideas, experiments, and (ad)ventures poised to have a positive impact on humanity. More importantly, to enable the dreams of others – especially seemingly unreasonable dreams that move humanity forward.

Leveraging the experiences our collaborators and I have garnered over the years – across innovation spaces, building enterprises and products that reached an average of 8 million people weekly, and improving policy and corporate outcomes – we are invested in seeing better things happen in the world. Things that truly support the flourishing of others. And Curiosity is just one avenue to freely do this.

While I am proud of what we have all done individually and collectively, I am reminded that more needs to be done, and this is the best time in history to do those things. For us, and for those that will be born ages after we are gone.

I don’t know what will become of the platform over the long term, but this is what I hope for. In the short term, I am hopeful that when I look back over the next forty or fifty years, I can be proud of the beautiful platforms and ideas that we have made exist in the world, and how those things have had multiplier effects on millions, or even billions of people. I want to see ideas we tried and failed simply because they were too ahead of their time; I want those ideas to be documented elsewhere for future generations to test out. I want to see billions of people flourishing because they have interacted with any of the things we made happen. More importantly, my heart will be filled with joy knowing that we didn’t fail in our responsibility to enable others towards progress and abundance.

For now, the focus is on experimentation and asking questions. We experiment with projects and bring them into the world with other beautiful human beings serving as co-founders and partners. We co-invest in platforms that are working towards creating the beautiful world we seek. We see the world daily with fresh eyes and curiosity – both of a child and an alien.

Through the mini-foundry, Curiosity Lab, I experiment along with others to test and launch new initiatives and experiments. Some of these experiments have a long-term lens to them, some do not. This is a safe space to dream and join others to create what we think should exist in the world. We are grateful to the beautiful humans at AllforDevelopment who provide operational support.

In progress / still in development:

  • An AI Safety Micro-grant initiative
  • African Priorities: A research initiative showcasing high-impact priorities in Africa and opportunities for people to contribute with their careers, resources, or activism.


Through Curiosity and other syndicated deals, I invest (often as an angel) in companies and platforms I believe will improve or are improving the state of the world.

Portfolio includes:

  • RxAll [Digital infrastructure for safe healthcare]
  • Bamboo [Making investing simple, accessible, and affordable]
  • Gumroad [Platform for creators to share] 
  • Kunda Kids [Creating award-winning stories for kids]  
  • Raenest [Borderless payments for African talents]
  • Fluidcoins [Crypto infrastructure for businesses]  
  • UmiforMothers [community supporting mothers in Africa & diaspora]

We are building a future we want to be proud of with curiosity. Let us do this together. Just say hello via hello[at]

Our world needs you.
