
Questions for conscious humans

My dear friend,

Welcome to WOW – Questions for conscious humans and leaders. This page contains a series of reflective questions and prompts that I love to ask myself over and again. However, this time around, I thought other conscious humans could benefit from answering these questions – individually and as a community – as we collectively embark on our journeys to be more human, and live out our truest best selves. 

I recommend you have a notepad handy so you can answer them for yourself, or you can get the digital version of the deck. You can respond to each of the questions with only one sentence and not more than five sentences. My hope is that through these questions and the answers you find, you’ll be confident to explore the worlds within and outside you.

Each time you visit this page, you’ll be welcome with five questions. That set of five questions changes every 30 minutes. [Update: it now shows more than 5. But you can choose to answer only 5 at a time]. This was done to intentionally give you the space and freedom to explore each of those questions in quiet. You don’t have to answer all – if you aren’t comfortable. Though, I will recommend noting the questions that make you uncomfortable; they may contain windows to worlds unknown.

You are greatly loved,

Update: You asked, and we listened. You can now interact with the conscious questions through the following means:

1. Go through each question for free using the slide above.
2. Subscribe to to receive a text message containing one question to reflect on every weekday. You can cancel anytime.
3. Buy the limited edition premium cards containing 70 questions.
4. Buy the digital version of the conscious questions deck here or here.
That’s it, available in various formats. Just choose the one you want.

This mini-project has been made possible because of my exposure to several people who have challenged my thinking over the years - some of those questions are mine, others are from several other people whose perspective I have benefited from, including but not limited to my dad, Morgan Housel, Chude Jideonwo, James Clear, Adenike Adewuni, Jim Dethmer, Derek Sivers, Sam Oluwalana, Ryan Holiday and Sam Altman, among others. I'm grateful.