Author: Damola

Sign Your Autograph On Me

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sign your autograph |
Autographs aren’t really new to us. Your autograph is simply your handwriting or signature. No doubt, you have seen people ask for other people’s autographs. They do this because they greatly admire those people and want to have a kind of souvenir with which to remember those they admire.
What will you be most remembered for? Your insensitivity or sensitivity? Your lack of affection or your warm heart? Your coldness to others or the warmth you radiate? Your self-centered-ness or selflessness? Your value-added interactions or your value-diminishing interactions? If the summary of your existence with others is negative then it means you have successfully denied them their pleas to have you sign your autograph on them – on their hearts.
Don’t be stingy with your smile. There are more where it came from! You can’t exhaust the supply of smiles God gave you. A smile is so important yet its so free. Be lavish with your smiles and be sincere about it. Your smile kindles a spark of love in whoever receives it. It doesn’t hurt to smile, even to a stranger, rather, a smile breaks the wall of hostility between you and others. It softens the heart of all who receives it when it is done sincerely. It makes others comfortable with you and it boosts your confidence. You don’t lose anything when you give someone a smile.
Choose to be kind! Kind people are held dear! The world will be so acidic and cruel if mankind has lost the virtue of kindness. Choose to allow others get ahead of you. Choose to help pick a fallen pen.
If yes, begin with me. Hahahaha…just kidding!
10 #ThingsToDo today
1. Thank God for the day
2. Work on your To-Do list. Prioritise your would-be actions and time-guide them.
3. Envision the end, from dawn.
4. Believe in yourself
5. Approach others with a smile, a welcoming ‘hello’ and a cheerful voice.
6. Add one person to your network.
7. Make a mistake – if neccesary, but learn from it.
8. Consciously learn something new. Make the unfamilar familiar.
9. Appreciate everyone that have contributed to your successful day. Be prompt to show appreciation, and mean it.
10. Take action now; do not procastinate.
Good morning.
*Question*: what else do you do today? I will love to read from you. Hit the comment button, or let’s connect via Facebook ( or Twitter (@damolamore).
Fault Finding or Panacea Placing?
I had a great time speaking on ‘State of the Nation – Whose Fault’ at a Royal Banquet Against Corruption organised by Eagle Ping Crusaders against economic and financial corruption.
I however believe in panacea placing, rather than fault finding. Thus, as part of the most important arm of governance (the people), we should seek remedy – instead of faults-, be corageous to challenge the status quo, start thinking outside the box, model the way through the right value, behaviour, influence and enagage the government near you.
Most importantly, let’s CONTRIBUTE, more than we criticize.
Nation building is a collective responsibility.
God bless Nigeria.
Be Prepared for Leadership

Making Your Days Here Count!
Exactly a week ago, i was sharing with some emerging leaders from across Nigeria, Ghana, Republic de Benin and Togo on ‘Integral Leadership’ at the #Studership 2.0 Leadership Summit (Pictures here).
I was delighted at the radiation of ‘senses’ of commitment as we exchanged ideas, on personal growth and leadership development – revolving around vision, values, ethics, passion for continuous learning and understanding purpose.
Like we do remind ourselves, that in everything we do, we (un)consciously sign our autographs. Make the unconscious conscious; what do you do to sign your autograph? Where/How do you sign it? It isn’t compulsory the autographs are conspicuous, but just MAKE YOUR DAYS HERE COUNT!
Later next week, we shall be having a guest post, related to the theme of leaving positive autographs, starting from the person sitting beside you.
Till then, I will be glad to read from you, with much love!
Keep growing, keep leading!
t: @damolamore
What My Dog Taught Me
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Aanu Damola Morenikeji and former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo |
hat there is hope for Nigeria and Nigerians. I cannot but see hope when a young person like you at a tender age (of 9) could author a play on such a complex issue. I salute your courage and depth. You must continue on this path and not relent and the sky shall not be able to limit you”

- What other myth is believed in your various communities/countries? Share with us.
- Think of a real life situation where a leader made a positive difference. Did they act as managers or leaders? What behaviours did they show? What lessons about leadership can you take away from the life situation you have thought of?.
Dear friends,
It had been observed that Nigeria has about 10.5 million children out of school. That’s 1 in 5 of the world’s 57 million children.
Though alarming, it calls for urgent and strategic actions from government, the private sector, international development partners and individuals – including YOU – to save this situation.
Not only is education a fundamental human right, but it is one of the most effective solutions to poverty. We cannot afford not to educate the future generation of our country – education is an entitlement, but also a smart investment.
Our organisation – All for Development Foundation – calls you to Stand with Nigeria, add your voice to this call for action for quality education for the Nigerian child.
Sign the petition here: (
Our future requires our commitment! Let’s stay committed.
Please share within your networks.
Thank you

the week – that as leaders, it is essential we have a vision. Theodore Hesburgh had advised that ‘the very essence of leadership is that you have to have a vision’, a vision that is people-based, value-based and creates a mental illustration (picture) of a world that works for everyone – an illustration which you can clearly articulate in every situation. Apart from having a vision, another step to developing the leader in you is that you need to seek clarity on your values. Identify and live your life by core values; you may make a commitment to live by the values of integrity, responsibility, credibility, appreciation, ‘exemplarity’, among others.

I look forward to reading from you.